Friday, November 7, 2008

Seasonal Family Favorites

1. Fall, is our favorite season because the weather finally starts to cool down and the trees change color. Love those cool autumn nights with a clear, blue sky, lots of stars and beautiful full moon.
2. Football season has arrived and Matt and Brooks couldn't be happier to cheer for BYU if they are winning and cuss them out if they're not.
3. St. George Marathon- one of Matt's favorite training challenges. If you want to hear Matt be sentimental (which is rare)- ask him about the St. George Marathon. He loves it.
4. Holidays- especially Thanksgiving. It combines our favorite things food, family, friends and fun. Brea might argue Halloween is better or Christmas she all ready has a huge list ready.
5. Brea and I both have birthdays in November. Brea enjoys celebrating hers and I like the gifts but not so much the celebration of another year- although 25 feels pretty good- hehehe.

Just wanted to let you all know how grateful we are for all of you. Hope you are all enjoying the beginning of the holiday season.


Chelsea said...

Yay we're both turning 25 this November...we're pretty much twins!

The Wents said...

25 does feel good. Although I'm good with my 29 years and counting. We wish we were seeing you guys for Thanksgiving. It was fun last year.

Jilyan said...

Dream on!! Happy Birthday Brea yesterday! Halle wanted to call, but mom is kindof a flake. Thanks for your kudos on primary. I didn't think I could get any more scatterbrained, but here we go. Good job with the blog. Oh, by the way, I got a fuji camera. I love them. You may want another opinion from Nicole, but as far as a point and shoot I like them the best.

Anonymous said...

November is a great month to have a birthday. Matt congratulations on the St George Marathon